A couple days ago I realized I've been out in the mission field as
long as I was in the MTC! It's going by a lot faster now.
Last Tuesday I went on exchanges to Hudson Oaks and it was awesome! I
served with Sister DeMille and she's from Cedar City (woot! woot!
Southern Utah!) I discovered I have some weird Magic tracting powers. (Edit: Tracting is basically when you go door to door and talk to people about the church.)
Every house that I felt good about went really well! We met TONS of
people wanting to learn! The spirit is awesome!
We taught Cutter again and HE WANTS TO BE BAPTIZED!!!! AAAHH!!!!!! We
just told him to think about a baptismal date and we need to teach him
a few more lessons.
We haven't seen as many investigators last week as we would like to,
but this week is going to be a lot better.
On a sad note, I never thought I'd say this, but, I went to a funeral
on my mission. A less-active member we've been working with passed
away in his sleep. It was such a shock! We literally saw him that day!
He was almost done smoking! He was doing so well! I was worried about
his family if they would either want to listen to us more now or never
want to see us again. But they called us yesterday and they set up an
appointment so that's a good sign. We're going to help them remember
that death is not the end. It's the next step we take to living with
Heavenly Father again! And I know he's in a better place now.
I know it's short but that's how this week has gone. Not super
eventful but it was good! Hope y'all have a great week!
Sister Hailey Poulton
3 Nephi 18:24- "Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto
the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up--that which ye
have seen me do. Behold ye see that I have prayed unto the Father, and
ye all have witnessed."