Honestly I can't remember very much from this week. Does that sound terrible?
Lately it's been harder to meet with the people we're teaching because
of schedules, and that happens. This week just wasn't super eventful.
We were kind of upset about it and just kept thinking "What are we
doing wrong? No one wants to listen to us! I'm listening for the
spirit! What are we doing wrong?" Then we listened to a talk Elder
Holland gave to mission presidents a few years ago and he said
missionary work isn't easy because salvation isn't easy! When Christ
was in the Garden of Gethsemane, he asked if there was some other way.
Is there an easier, less painful way? No. No there wasn't. If it
wasn't easy for Jesus Christ the son of God, the only perfect
missionary, the only perfect person to ever walk the earth, then why
would it be easy for us? That put a new perspective on it. Why would I
expect this to be easy? Why would anyone expect this to be easy?
Everyone has the freedom to choose whether or not to listen to you or
choose to accept your message.
In other news, me and Sister Nye were sick all weekend so we stayed in
the apartment which drove us CRAZY! We were sitting there thinking "I
just want to go and teach people but every time I stand up I feel like
I'm going to pass out!" That was a struggle, but now we're feeling a
lot better. And it wasn't all bad. It actually gave us an opportunity
to study a lot of the New Testament together. We've thought about it
for a while but we actually had time to since we were stuck in the
apartment. A lot of people here know the Bible like the back of their
hand so we thought we should catch up a little bit so we can be more
prepared when someone tries to bash us. (Bible bashing's bad. Don't do
it!) We read the first few chapters of Matthew and our mind was BLOWN!
A few of them have Christ's sermon on the mount and when we were done
reading it we were like, "I think I need to rethink my life" 😅 As we
were talking about it we realized that we tell people all the time we
use both the Book of Mormon AND The Bible, but do we really study The
Bible as much as The Book of Mormon? I'll be honest I don't. I feel
bad about it, but now I'm going to change that! The gospel library app
has Institute manuals and that's what we've been studying from. I
highly recommend it!
Well that's how this week has gone! We're determined to make this week better!
I pray for all of you everyday! Love you!
Sister Poulton
Texas Fort Worth Mission
Weatherford Zone
Azle Area
1&2. The other missionaries in my area surprised me with a little party at the home of a man that was recently baptized!
2. I got to play with bunnies today!